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初中英语《Maybe you should learn to relax!阅读课》试讲稿

http://www.hteacher.net 2024-07-17 15:24 中国教师资格网 [您的教师考试网]

Good afternoon, distinguished judges. I’m No. X candidate, applying for middle school English teacher. My topic is Maybe you should learn to relax! Now I’m ready.

Step 1. Lead-in

T: Class begins! Hello, boys and girls! Before our class, I have a video to share with you. Now, look at the screen. 【做出指屏幕动作】What is going on in the video? Any volunteers? Betty, you please!

S: …

T: Yes, the boy in the video has to take ping-pong course in the morning, calligraphy course in the afternoon, and piano course in the evening. But what day is it?

S: …

T: Right. It is weekend. Then what’s your opinion about this? Lucy, can you show your idea?

S: …

T: Yes. You think it’s very tired. Is the boy happy or unhappy? Why is the boy unhappy? Bob, can you have a try?

S: …

T: Maybe the boy will become stressed out if he keeps taking so many after-school classes like this.

Step 2. Pre-reading

T: Guys, now please discuss with your partner about what the main problem is for Chinese children nowadays, OK?

T: Do you know what the main problem is?

S: …

T: Yes, most children are suffering from various after-school activities and have no time for relaxing.

T: OK. Have you ever thought about if American children face the common problem? Who wants to share your idea? The last boy, please.

S: …

T: Oh, you say yes. What about the others? Do you all agree with him?

S: …

T: Good. Let’s see whether you are right or not.

Step 3. While-reading

T: Boys and girls, please read the text quickly, then tell me “What problem do American students have?”

T: OK. Finish. Who can have a try? Jack. You please.

S: …

T: The text is about the common problem for Chinese and American children and argues children should learn to relax. Wow, do you think so?

S: …

T: So nice. Thank you. We know that like Chinese students, American students are also faced with similar problems. In this passage, the author not only tells us the problems of Chinese students, but also shares with us different people’s opinions. Do you want to know more about it? Look at the screen. There are 4 sentences summarizing the main idea of each paragraph. Now let’s read the text for the second time and match the paragraph with them. Here we go. Have you finished?

S: …

T: Let’s check the answers together. Paragraph 1 is about the problem for Chinese children, paragraph 2 is mainly about Cathy Taylor’s opinion, the next part tells Linda Miller’s idea, and the last paragraph is the doctors’ opinion on the problem. Well done.


T: Just now, we knew that American students and Chinese students share some problems in common. In this passage, we can find some new words describing these problems. I want to check whether you can understand them or not. Are you ready?

T: Look at the screen. I have prepared some multiple choices. Please choose the answer that best describes the words. Most of you have finished. Who can share your answers? The boy on the right, please.

S: …

T: Yes, your answers are right. “Compete” means try to be the best of the first to finish something, “continue” means goes on, and “development” means getting better or bigger. Read after me, compete, continue, development.

T: It seems that you can understand the text very well. The text shares the opinions from Cathy Taylor, Linda Miller and Dr. Green.

Does Cathy Taylor think it’s important for kids to join after-school activities? Why?

Does Linda Miller agree with Cathy?

Does Dr. Green agree with Cathy or Linda?

You can discuss the questions with your partner. I will give you five minutes. Start. Have you finished? Bob, can you have a try?

S: …

T: Yeah. Joining after-school activities can help children be successful in the future. Excellent. Next, who knows the second question? The girl in the middle.

S: …

T: Linda Miller disagrees with Cathy. Then what’s her opinion?

S: …

T: That’s right. She thinks it is crazy. People shouldn’t push their kids too hard. Good job. OK. What about the last question? Altogether, tell me the answer.

S: …

T: Perfect. Dr. Alice agrees with Linda. Kids should learn to relax so that they can be happy.

T: Up to now, we have a clear understanding of different opinions from different people. A more challenging task for you. Can you try to fill in the chart according to your memory of the text? If you think it’s a little difficult, please feel free to open the book and read the text again. John, can you try to fill in the table? Write your answers on the blackboard.

S: …

T: How about his answers? Yes, it’s right. We can get the answers from paragraph 2, 3 and 4.


_Cathy Taylor ______She believes it’s important for her children’s __future__.

She wants her children to be __successful__.

__Linda Miller__She thinks it’s ___crazy___ and unfair.

Why don’t they just ___let____ the kids be kids?

People shouldn’t ___push____ their kids so hard.

DoctorsToo much __pressure___ is not good for a child’s __development___.

AliceIt can cause lots of ___stress___ for children.

Step 4. Post-reading

T: Well, guys, after reading the text, what is your opinion about after-school activities? Discuss in pairs.

S: …

T: Time is up. Volunteers? OK. Please.

S: …

T: Oh, you think children should take after-school activities properly. Anyone else? Jessica, please.

S: …

T: The after-school activities should be chosen according to students’ interests. Very good. In fact, children can attend after-school activities, but bear in mind that balance should be kept between study and relaxion. Do you agree?

S: …

T: Good. You agree with her.

Step 5. Summary

T: Boys and Girls, today we have learned so much about after-school activities. So can anyone make a detailed summary about what we have learned in this class? Well, Bret, you are so brave today!

S: …

T: Good Job, Bret! These are the key points of this class.【做出指黑板动作】More importantly, we know we need enough relax besides learning, so keeping a balance between them is a must. All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. Remember?

S: …

T: Good.

Step 6. Homework

T: After class, you have two tasks. Retell the whole text and make a weekend plan including balanced learning and relaxing activities. Next class I will ask you to have a share. OK, so much for today’s class! Bye!








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